Operating temperature extension
Operating temperature extension
Halogen-fee trunkings and canals produced and delivered by the company KOPOS KOLÍN a.s. is now possible to install and keep in an environment...
Smart surface protection for cable management systems
Smart surface protection for cable management systems
We will probably never win the battle against corrosion, but we can slow it down considerably. That is why we have...
Fire-resistant foaming boxes KPZ
Fire-resistant foaming boxes KPZ
With our innovative boxes KPZ you gain the confidence of reliable protection of your objects and property against unexpected fire threats. The...
Wiring in cast concrete brings its own specifics
Wiring in cast concrete brings its own specifics
KOPOS KOLÍN a.s., as a traditional Czech manufacturer of electrical installation material, offers comprehensive solutions for...
New halogen-free hollow wall boxes
New halogen-free hollow wall boxes
The issue of building safety is an often talked about but sometimes underestimated topic. It depends on the details. The new halogen-free...
Antibakteriaalsuse sertifikaadiga valged kaablikarbikud(valmistatud PVC ja PC/ABS)
Antibakteriaalsuse sertifikaadiga valged kaablikarbikud(valmistatud PVC ja PC/ABS)
Hügieeniliselt puhas ja ohutu keskkond tervishoius, laborites ja avalikes kohtades on meie...
Erinevus esmakuulamisel
Erinevus esmakuulamisel
Tubade kaitsmine müra eest on kvaliteetse elamise üks alustalasid. Ehitades tuleb mõelda detailidele, millel on sageli üldtulemusele suur mõju. Ei piisa...
Time for change - KU 68-45, KPR 68-70
Time for change - KU 68-45, KPR 68-70
KU 68-45_KA The KOPOS KOLÍN a.s. company constantly improves the useful product features. Even small changes and details help end-users...
New series of black trunkings
New series of black trunkings
Do you look ahead just to see darkness? It is just new KOPOS trunkings in black color!   At the request of our customers, we are...
New trunking PK 170X65 D
New trunking PK 170X65 D
We are introducing last planned dimension within new series of parapet channels - parapet channel PK 170X65 D. Series is complete with it and is ready...
Harukarp (KEFZ 80) ja kinnitusplaat (MDFZ 80) soojusisolatsiooni sisse(juba paigaldatud)
Harukarp (KEFZ 80) ja kinnitusplaat (MDFZ 80) soojusisolatsiooni sisse(juba paigaldatud)
Seoses energiahindade tõusuga, aga ka keskkonnaga seotud põhjustel otsustab üha enam...
Naelapüss K-PULSA_PO
Naelapüss K-PULSA_PO
Meie parim gaasijõul töötav naelapüstol K-PULSA_PO pakub klientidele maksimaalset mugavust tulekindlate klambrite naelutamisel. Selle kompaktne ja...
Uus halogeenivaba karbik PK 170X65 D HF
Uus halogeenivaba karbik PK 170X65 D HF
Tutvustame järgnevat halogeenivaba tootegrupi perekonna liiget - seinakarbikut PK 170X65 D HF. Halogeenivaba materjal ei eralda...
New halogen-free trunking PK 110X65 D HF
New halogen-free trunking PK 110X65 D HF
We´re introducing the trunking PK 110X65 D HF made of halogen-free PC/ABS material, which makes it suitable for use in areas with a...
Range extension of boxes with maintained functionality in fire
Range extension of boxes with maintained functionality in fire
The KSK range of electrical boxes has three additional items. The boxes are designed for single-phase...
Extension of cable ladders made of stainless steel
Extension of cable ladders made of stainless steel
We have exptended the range of cable trays with an offer of stainless steel material. This system consists of six dimensions...
